东亚和北美产红豆杉属七种植物中紫杉醇及短叶醇的含量[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1995, (1): 8-10.
引用本文: 东亚和北美产红豆杉属七种植物中紫杉醇及短叶醇的含量[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1995, (1): 8-10.
Content of the Taxol and Brevifoliol in Species of Genus Taxus L.from East Asia and North America[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1995, (1): 8-10.
Citation: Content of the Taxol and Brevifoliol in Species of Genus Taxus L.from East Asia and North America[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1995, (1): 8-10.


Content of the Taxol and Brevifoliol in Species of Genus Taxus L.from East Asia and North America

  • 摘要: 应用高效液相色谱分析了东亚产四种红豆杉和北美产三种红豆杉的紫杉醇和短叶醇含量。结果表明,短叶红豆杉树皮中紫杉醇含量最高,其次为中间红豆杉树皮;东亚产四种红豆杉枝叶中,云南红豆杉枝叶中紫杉醇含量较高,东北红豆杉和美丽红豆杉次之;短叶醇含量则以短叶红豆杉针叶最高,东北红豆杉及云南红豆杉次之。


    Abstract: Taxus L.spp are main natural resources of taxol,a strong anticancer chemical constituent.Content of taxol and brevifOliol in seven species of Taxus distributed in EasT Asia and North America area were determined by HPLC.The obtained results indicated that


