Determinaton of Compound Injection of Tetracaine Hydroch loride by Using Different H point Standard Additions Methods
摘要: 介绍几种H-point法,并与常见的计算分光光度法进行了比较。将H-point法用于复方盐酸丁卡因注射液测定的数据处理,表明H-point法有效地消除干扰,有较高的精密度和准确度。盐酸丁卡因回收率为:H-point法101.0%,RSD为2.7%(n=7),K系数H-point法99.1%,RSD为1.8%(n=7),三波长H-point法99.6%,RSD为1.4%(n=7)。Abstract: A set of new analytical methods for the determinaton of tetracaine hydrochloride in compound Injection of Tetracaine Hydrochloride are proposed by using different H point standard additions method.By proper selection of the combination of wavelengths,the