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Synthesis and Anticonvulsant Activity of Mexiletine Derivatives
1990(6): 321-324.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis of 5-Cyanouracil Derivatives
1990(6): 325-328.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis of Sodium (3S, 4S)-3-Amino-4-[(Carbamoyl''oxy) Mcthyi]-2-Oxoazetidine-1-Sul fonate
1990(6): 329-332.
Abstract PDF
Circular Dichroism Spectra of the Quaternary Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloids from Stephania tetrandra
1990(6): 333-336.
Abstract PDF
A Flavanone From the Root Bark of Ledpeseza tomentosa
1990(6): 337-338.
Abstract PDF
Studies on Chemical Constituents of Cynanchum inamoenum
1990(6): 339-341.
Abstract PDF
Study on Stability of Dideoxycytidine
1990(6): 342-344.
Abstract PDF
Technique of Chromosome Microscopic Determination in Cultured Material of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.
1990(6): 345-348.
Abstract PDF
Simultaneous Determination of Three Components Contained in Satongfeng Injection and Enhanced Sulfisomezol Compound Capsules by Forgetting Factor Spectrophotometry
1990(6): 349-353.
Abstract PDF
Anticoagulative and Antilipemic Effect of Polysaccharide From Porphyra yezoensis Ueda
1990(6): 358-360.
Abstract PDF
Gas Chromatographic Determination of Aloperine and Its Pharmacokinetics
1990(6): 361-363.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis of Antipode of Daurisoline
1990(6): 364-366.
Abstract PDF
A Rapid Assay of Photostability on Nifedipine and Its Tablets
1990(6): 367-368.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Rabbit Plasma MI_2 Levels and Pharmacokinetic Parameters by TLC-Densitometry
1990(6): 371-372.
Abstract PDF
Biochemical Study of Chinese Rhubarb XL. Study on the Antigonococcus Activity of Anthraquinone Derivaties
1990(6): 373-374.
Abstract PDF