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Synthesis of 3-Substitued-1,2,3,9-Tetrahydro-4H-Carbazol-4-One Derivatives
1992(6): 325-328.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of Endo-Plant Hormones in Hairy-Roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis
1992(6): 340-343.
Abstract PDF
A Preliminary Transdermal Delivery System of Levonorgestrel
1992(6): 344-347.
Abstract PDF
Exploratory Studies on Four Characteristics and the Amount of Trace Elements in Chinese Medicinal Herbs
1992(6): 348-353.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Weakly Alkaline Drugs by Differential Scanning Potentiometry Titration
1992(6): 354-356.
Abstract PDF
Effects of Scorzonera glabra Rupr on Enteritis
1992(6): 357-360.
Abstract PDF
The Cloning of TyrB Gene from Escherichia Coli K12 by PCR Technology
1992(6): 361-363.
Abstract PDF
Chemical Studies on the Processing of Licorice
1992(6): 364-366.
Abstract PDF
Effect of Different Cultural Conditions and Methods on the Growth of Cultured Bulb of Fritillaria unibracteata Hsiao et.K.C.Hsia
1992(6): 367-369.
Abstract PDF
Determination and Preliminary Stability Study of Norfloxacin in Bulk and Dosage Forms by HPLC
1992(6): 370-372.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Arsine and Plumbum in Chinese Medicine Matrix Modify GFAAS
1992(6): 373-375.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of Intermediates of Deciquam by Capillary Gas Chromatography
1992(6): 376-378.
Abstract PDF
Use of Derivative Spectroscopic for Assay of Mazidol Tablet
1992(6): 379-381.
Abstract PDF