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Synthesis of Progesterone Receptor Antagonist Mifepristone Derivatives
1998(1): 3+5+7-8.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis and Calcium Channel Antagonist Activity of Bepridil Derivatives
1998(1): 9+11-12.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis and Enhancing Effect of Tetrahydrogeraniol Derivatives
1998(1): 13-15.
Abstract PDF
A New Compound from the Root of Ferula tunshanica Su
1998(1): 21-22.
Abstract PDF
Chemical Studies on Hippocampus histrix Kaup
1998(1): 26-27.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of Lipophilic Compounds in Syngnathus acus L. by GC/MS
1998(1): 28-29.
Abstract PDF
Identification of Traditional Chinese Crude Drug Turtle Shell Using PCR Product Direct Sequencing Method
1998(1): 30-32.
Abstract PDF
Studies on the Mechanism of Eucalyptus Oil Enhancing Percutaneous Absorption
1998(1): 33-37.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Sodium Valproate in Human Serum by HighPerformance Liquid Chromatography
1998(1): 47-50.
Abstract PDF
Protective Effect of Daurisoline against Ischemic Injury in Culture
1998(1): 54-58.
Abstract PDF
Effect of Chlorobenzyltetrahydroberberine on Potassium Channels in Isolated Guinea Pig Ventricular Myocytes
1998(1): 59-62.
Abstract PDF
Pharmacokinetics of Germanium in Normal Subject
1998(1): 66-68.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Rotundine in Human Plasma by HPLC and Pharmacokinetic Studies
1998(1): 69-72.
Abstract PDF
Comparison of Two Bioassay Methods to Determine the in vivo Biological Activity of rhEPO
1998(1): 76-78.
Abstract PDF