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Synthesis of Ritodrine
2000(3): 3-4.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis and Application of New Chiral Phase Transter Catalysts
2000(3): 5-10.
Abstract PDF
Studies on Constituents of Fructus Ligustri lucidi
2000(3): 11-12.
Abstract PDF
Chemical Study on Male Inflorescence of Populus Canadensis Moench
2000(3): 13-15.
Abstract PDF
Preparation and Release Properties of Felodipine Sustained-release Capsules
2000(3): 19-21.
Abstract PDF
Pharmacokinetics of NerveGrowth Factor by Iodolabelled Tracing Method
2000(3): 22-25.
Abstract PDF
Pharmacokinetics andRelative Bioavailability of Sustained-release Felodipine Capsule in Healthy Volunteers
2000(3): 26-29.
Abstract PDF
Dissolution Improvement of Cefuroxime Axetil Tablets by Using Micronization Technology
2000(3): 30-33.
Abstract PDF
Determination ofTazobactam Sodium / Piperacillin Sodium for Injection by RP-HPLC
2000(3): 34-37.
Abstract PDF
The Determination of DNAFragments by Use of Short Chain Linear Polyacrylamide Solution-capillary Electrophoresis
2000(3): 38-40.
Abstract PDF
Use of Supercritical FluidExtraction in Piper Iongum L.Quality Control
2000(3): 41-44.
Abstract PDF
Design and Implementation of Expert System for Derivatization Method Recommendation of Gas Chromatography Used in Pharmaceutical Analysis
2000(3): 45-48.
Abstract PDF
HPLC Determination of Flomoxef in Human Plasma
2000(3): 49-51.
Abstract PDF
Study on Quality Standard of Clindamycin Phosphate for injection
2000(3): 52-54.
Abstract PDF
The Determination of Concentration in Body of Platinum-based Anti-Cancer Drugs by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
2000(3): 55-59.
Abstract PDF
Effect of HEF onOsteoporosis Induced by Retinoic Acid in Male Rats
2000(3): 64-67.
Abstract PDF
Studies of the Effects ofCompound Nystatin Vaginal Effervescent Tablets on Trichomonas vaginalis of Human Originand Candida albicans
2000(3): 68-71.
Abstract PDF
Chemical Modification of Escherichia Coli L-Asparaginase with Polyethylene Glycol
2000(3): 72-75.
Abstract PDF