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The Assay of Pirenzepine by Sodium Tetraphenylborate Direct Titration
Chen Cuiping, Fen Jing, Jiang Xinru
Abstract PDF
Research on Rapid-Propagation Technology of Salvia. miltiorrhiza in Vitro Culture
1991(2): 65-68.
Abstract PDF
Studies on Transdermal Release Rate of Nicotinamide Nitrate Disk in Vitro
1991(2): 69-71.
Abstract PDF
Studies on Drug Agglomeration by Spherical Crystallization Technique
1991(2): 72-76.
Abstract PDF
Quantitative Determination of Prednisone Acetate by the First Derivative High-Speed Pulse Polarography
1991(2): 77-79.
Abstract PDF
Simultaneous Determination of Paracetamol and Antipyrin Contained in Compound Injection of Paracetamol by Adaptive Kalman Filtering Spectrophotometry
1991(2): 80-82.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Methandienone and Its Metabolite in Human Urine by HPLC
1991(2): 83-85.
Abstract PDF
Antiageing Effect of Hericium erinaceus Polysaccharides
1991(2): 86-88.
Abstract PDF
Significant Elevation of Calmodulin and Inorganic Phosphorus Content in Epidermis and Serum in Psoriasis
1991(2): 89-92.
Abstract PDF
Inhibition of Four Berbamine Derivatives Toward Activity of Calmodulin-induced Myosin Light Chain Kinase
1991(2): 93-96.
Abstract PDF
Isolation, Analysis and Immune Activities of Polysaccharide from Auricularia polytricha Sacc
1991(2): 97-100.
Abstract PDF
Study of Aging Model in Mice
1991(2): 101-103.
Abstract PDF
Reversed Phase HPLC Determination of Xanthinol Niacinate and Impurities
1991(2): 108-110.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Propranolol in Plasma with Fluorescence Detector
1991(2): 111-113.
Abstract PDF
Simultaneous Determination of Glycoside B and Glycoside Jin the Tuberous Roots of Liriope spicata by HPLC
1991(2): 114-116.
Abstract PDF
The Immunoregulative Effect of the Synthetic Artifact of Royel Jelly Acid
1991(2): 117-118.
Abstract PDF