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Synthesis of E-(3,3-Ethylenedioxy-1-Hydroxy- 2,2-Dimethyl-6-Phenylmethylene) Cyclohexylacetic Acid
1992(2): 71-73.
Abstract PDF
Studies on Chemotaxonomy of Mucuna and Stizolobium
1992(2): 74-76.
Abstract PDF
Study on the Analysis of Yuliren by TLC and Electrophoresis
1992(2): 77-81.
Abstract PDF
Studies of Seasonal Variation of Alkaloids Contained in Ephedra sinica Herba in Inner Mongolia
1992(2): 82-87.
Abstract PDF
Dissolution Test in Vitro and Bioavailability Study on Sustained-Release Verapamil Hydrochloride Tablets
1992(2): 88-92.
Abstract PDF
Studies on Medical Silicone Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives
1992(2): 93-95.
Abstract PDF
6-Hydroxydopamine Lesion of Dorsal Noradrenergic Bundle Facilitates the Expression of Seizures Induced by Intrahippocampal Quinolinic Acid Infusion
1992(2): 96-99.
Abstract PDF
Effects of Gypenoside on Peripheral White Blood Cells and Their Phago-Luminescences in Mice
1992(2): 100-102.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of Calmodulin Antibody by Affinity Chromatography and ELISA
1992(2): 103-106.
Abstract PDF
Detection of Staphylococcal Plasmids Involving CCC and OC Forms
1992(2): 107-111.
Abstract PDF
Research on Rapid-Propagation Technology of Mentha Haplocalyx Using in Vitro Culture
1992(2): 115-117.
Abstract PDF
Research on Chemical Components and Primary Pharmaceutical Actions of Cultured Bulb of Fritillaria Unibracteata
1992(2): 118-121.
Abstract PDF
Use of Fluorospectrophotometry for Assay of Low Dosage Estradiol Valerate of Compound Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate Injection
1992(2): 122-123.
Abstract PDF
CPA-Matrix Simultaneous UV-Speetrophotometric Determination of Components Contained in Xichuanlin Tablets
1992(2): 124-126.
Abstract PDF