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LI Meihua, WANG Weiqing, ZENG Yang, GUO Fengxia, YAN Peiying, LI Jinping. Inhibition of Potentilla fruticosa extracts on α-amylase, α-glucosidase and aldose reductase[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2018, 49(4): 470-475. DOI: 10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20180413
Citation: LI Meihua, WANG Weiqing, ZENG Yang, GUO Fengxia, YAN Peiying, LI Jinping. Inhibition of Potentilla fruticosa extracts on α-amylase, α-glucosidase and aldose reductase[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2018, 49(4): 470-475. DOI: 10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20180413

Inhibition of Potentilla fruticosa extracts on α-amylase, α-glucosidase and aldose reductase

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  • This study measured the in vitro inhibitory effects of α-amylase(AM), α-glycosidase(AG)and aldose reductase(AR)extraction from Potentilla fruticosa in three solvents: water extract(WE)and 95% methanol extraction of petroleum ether part(MEP), 95% methanol extraction of ethyl acetate part(MEE)and 95% methanol extraction of water part(MEW)through α-amylase inhibitors(AMI), α-glycosidase inhibitors(AGI)and aldose reductase inhibitors(ARI)activity screening models. In vivo effects of different solvents from Potentilla fruticosa on impaired glucose tolerance of mice were also measured. Among them, WE, MEP and MEE exhibited against AMI activity with IC50 values of 0. 432, 1. 193 and 0. 507 mg/mL, respectively. Three solvents against AGI activity with IC50 values of 0. 164, 0. 768 and 0. 466 mg/mL, respectively. Three solvents against ARI activity with IC50 values of 0. 742, 2. 158 and 1. 098 mg/mL, respectively. The study suggests that Potentilla fruticosa in water extract and 95% methanol extraction of ethyl acetate part demonstrated a stronger inhibitory effect on AM, AG and AR. Meanwhile, Potentilla fruticosa in water extract and 95% methanol extraction of ethyl acetate part can be significantly decreased the postprandial blood glucose in mice.
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