樊陈琳, 孙子秋, 许风国, 吴晓明, 姚文兵. “药学教育学”学科内涵辨析与发展路径研究[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 2022, 53(5): 623-632. DOI: 10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20220513
引用本文: 樊陈琳, 孙子秋, 许风国, 吴晓明, 姚文兵. “药学教育学”学科内涵辨析与发展路径研究[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 2022, 53(5): 623-632. DOI: 10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20220513
FAN Chenlin, SUN Ziqiu, XU Fengguo, WU Xiaoming, YAO Wenbing. Connotation construction and development path of "pharmaceutical pedagogy"[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2022, 53(5): 623-632. DOI: 10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20220513
Citation: FAN Chenlin, SUN Ziqiu, XU Fengguo, WU Xiaoming, YAO Wenbing. Connotation construction and development path of "pharmaceutical pedagogy"[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2022, 53(5): 623-632. DOI: 10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20220513


Connotation construction and development path of "pharmaceutical pedagogy"

  • 摘要: 2021年,中国药科大学正式在药学一级学科下新增设立我国首个具有交叉学科特征的药学教育学二级学科。挖掘药学教育学学科价值、厘清学科内涵归属、明确学科发展路径,可以扎实推动该学科开好局、起好步,为药学教育内涵式、高质量发展奠定基础。本研究通过比较法、文献法、历史法等方法,分析比较了药学教育学、医学教育学、护理教育学、健康教育学、社会和管理药学等相近学科的标志性学科要素。研究表明药学教育学有广义和狭义之分,狭义的药学教育学是指研究以药学人才培养为核心的药学教育现象和问题,揭示药学教育规律与特征的学科。相较于相近学科,药学教育学的教材、论文、史著等学术成果仍不够丰富,专门的学术队伍与机构较为缺乏,学术组织和专属期刊等学术平台有待充实与提升。建议药学教育学学科在马克思主义哲学的指引下,通过交叉融合完善学术体系,虚实结合建立学术机构,科学引导建设学术队伍,自主开放参与学术治理等途径,加快建设中国特色药学教育科学理论体系和话语体系,为扎根中国大地、办好人民满意的药学教育提供有力的智力支持和知识贡献。


    Abstract: China Pharmaceutical University proposed and established the first second-level discipline of pharmaceutical pedagogy in China under the first-level discipline of pharmacy in 2021.Through exploring the value of pharmaceutical pedagogy and clarifying its connotation and development path, the construction of the discipline will be firmly pushed forward with a good start, laying a solid foundation for the connotative and high-quality development of pharmaceutical education in China.Using comparison, literature review and historical survey, iconic discipline factors in similar disciplines of pharmaceutical pedagogy, like medical pedagogy, nursing pedagogy, health education and social & administrative pharmacy were investigated.Our researches showed that pharmaceutical pedagogy in its narrow sense refers to the discipline of studying the phenomena and problems of pharmaceutical education with the cultivation of pharmaceutical talents as the core, and revealing the laws and characteristics of pharmaceutical education.The construction of pharmaceutical pedagogy should be further promoted with more academic achievements, stronger academic teams, organizations and journals with better and higher platforms of academic research.It was suggested that pharmaceutical pedagogy should be guided by Marxist philosophy in improving its academic system, academic institutions, academic teams and ability in participating in academic governance independently and openly.Pharmaceutical pedagogy is expected to accelerate the construction of theoretical system and discourse system of pharmaceutical education with Chinese characteristics, aiming to provide stronger intellectual support and knowledge contribution for pharmaceutical education in China and for China.


