毛凤斐, 屠锡德, 朱家璧, 赵陆华, 沈干明, 菲力浦, 范碧亭. 黄芩甙在人体内吸收的研究[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1983, (1): 61-66.
引用本文: 毛凤斐, 屠锡德, 朱家璧, 赵陆华, 沈干明, 菲力浦, 范碧亭. 黄芩甙在人体内吸收的研究[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1983, (1): 61-66.
Mao Fengfei, Tu Xide, Zhu Jiabi, Zhao Lvhua, Shen Ganming, Fei Lipu, Fan Biting. ABSORPTION OF BAICALIN IN HUMAN[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1983, (1): 61-66.
Citation: Mao Fengfei, Tu Xide, Zhu Jiabi, Zhao Lvhua, Shen Ganming, Fei Lipu, Fan Biting. ABSORPTION OF BAICALIN IN HUMAN[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1983, (1): 61-66.



  • 摘要: 本文对原料及针、片剂型等用聚酰胺柱层析分离及紫外分光光度法测定黄芩甙给药后人体尿药含量。所得数据采用电子计算机非线性最小二乘法嵌合程序进行迭代处理得到药动学参数。从所得结果看:肌注与口服给药比较,前者吸收快(0.4小时即达尿药速度峰),生物利用度也较大(89.27%),而口服给药吸收缓慢(7~16小时才达高峰),生物利用度也低(22~36%)。黄芩甙肌注给药平均t(1/2)为0.62小时,在体内消除甚快。由此,临床上应用的每日一次肌注法欠合理。


    Abstract: Injections, tablets and solution of baicalin were given to each normal healthyman for the study of their absorption. The baicalin in urine was separated by ch-romatography and determined by UV spectrophotometric method. The pharmacokinetic data were fitted by nonlinear least square method with pocket-computer. The result showed that the rate peak value of baicalin injection appeared in urine at 0.4hr (Bioavailability : 89.3%), while that of tablets or solution was between 7.5-16.5 hrs ( Bioavailability: 22-36%) . The mean half-life Of baicalin injection ( 1M ) was 0.62 hr. It is eliminated rapidly and thus the dose of intramuscular injection given once a day was unreasonable.


