高效液相色谱—荧光法检测血浆中普萘洛尔[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1991, (2): 111-113.
引用本文: 高效液相色谱—荧光法检测血浆中普萘洛尔[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1991, (2): 111-113.
Determination of Propranolol in Plasma with Fluorescence Detector[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1991, (2): 111-113.
Citation: Determination of Propranolol in Plasma with Fluorescence Detector[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1991, (2): 111-113.


Determination of Propranolol in Plasma with Fluorescence Detector

  • 摘要: 普萘洛尔是常用的β受体阻断剂,对心律失常、心绞痛、高血压、偏头痛等心血管疾病具有有效的预防和治疗作用,目前国内临床上仅用普通片剂,而国外尚有控释片、控释胶囊等剂型。普萘洛尔的HPLC-UV法检测曾有报道,最


    Abstract: A method of HPLC assay with fluorescence detector was developed for determining propranolol concentration in plasma. The exprimental conditions were: mobil phase, methanol-0.035% acetate buffer solution (80:20 V/V) mixture; column, Zorbox-CN(250 4. 6 mm i


