反相离子对HPLC法测定洋金花类生药中的东茛菪碱和阿托品[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1991, (3): 181-183.
引用本文: 反相离子对HPLC法测定洋金花类生药中的东茛菪碱和阿托品[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1991, (3): 181-183.
Determination of Scopolamine and Atropine in Yangjinhua by Reversed-Phase Ion-Pair HPLC[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1991, (3): 181-183.
Citation: Determination of Scopolamine and Atropine in Yangjinhua by Reversed-Phase Ion-Pair HPLC[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1991, (3): 181-183.


Determination of Scopolamine and Atropine in Yangjinhua by Reversed-Phase Ion-Pair HPLC

  • 摘要: 洋金花为茄科曼陀罗属植物白曼陀罗Datura metel等多种植物的花,具平喘止咳、镇痛、解痉功效,其主要成分为东莨菪碱和阿托品。洋金花商品药材中混有多种曼陀罗属植物的花,通过药材的成分分析对药材鉴定是有参考价值的。有关这类成分的分离及含量测定方法较多,1990年版药典采用的中和法只能测


    Abstract: RP Ion-Pair HPLC was applied to isolate and determine the content of scopolamine and atropine from flowers of Datura metel, D. metel cv. ovata, D. arborea, D. innoxia, D. stramonium var. stramonium, D. stramoniun var. tatula, D. stramonium var. inermis. T


