药物电热敷对实验性大鼠踝关节炎症的作用[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1991, (6): 381-382.
引用本文: 药物电热敷对实验性大鼠踝关节炎症的作用[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1991, (6): 381-382.
Effects of Herbs-Electrothermic Pad on Experimental Ankle Joint Inflammation of Rats[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1991, (6): 381-382.
Citation: Effects of Herbs-Electrothermic Pad on Experimental Ankle Joint Inflammation of Rats[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1991, (6): 381-382.


Effects of Herbs-Electrothermic Pad on Experimental Ankle Joint Inflammation of Rats

  • 摘要: 药物电热敷是由中药复方(祛风止痛散)药袋和电热敷组成,其治疗原理是根据中医传统外治法与现代医学透热疗法相结合。所用复方中药具有活血化瘀、祛风寒、消炎止痛作用。借助于电热敷热量,药袋中药物有效成分逐渐挥发,定向作用于皮肤、关节疼痛部位,以发挥消肿止痛作用。经临床100例研究,表明其对风湿性关节炎(18例)、类风湿性关节炎(22例)、肩周


    Abstract: Aromatic compound Chinese traditional herbs (Qu Fong Zhi Tong Shan) with electrothermic pad (herbs-ETP), only electrothermic pad (ETP), wood scraps with electrothermic pad (WS-ETP) were used for treating the inflammation caused by hypodermic injection of


