差示扫描量热法鉴别珍珠粉和珍珠层粉[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1996, (6): 61-62.
引用本文: 差示扫描量热法鉴别珍珠粉和珍珠层粉[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 1996, (6): 61-62.
Identification of Pearl Powder and Pearl Layer Powder by DSC[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1996, (6): 61-62.
Citation: Identification of Pearl Powder and Pearl Layer Powder by DSC[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 1996, (6): 61-62.


Identification of Pearl Powder and Pearl Layer Powder by DSC

  • 摘要: 差示扫描量热法鉴别珍珠粉和珍珠层粉⒇李成重刘午霞1陈逸王君2(淮阴市医学会,223300;1江苏省药品检验所,南京210008;2南京大学现代分析中心,210008)关键词鉴别;珍珠粉;珍珠层粉;差示扫描量热法珍珠始载于《开宝本草》,李时珍曰:珍珠有...


    Abstract: This paper reported the identification of pearl power and pearl layer powder by DSC. The results indicated that there were obvious differences between the spectra of them.


