托盘根提取物对不同细胞的影响[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 2001, (6): 68-70.
引用本文: 托盘根提取物对不同细胞的影响[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 2001, (6): 68-70.
Effect of Ethanol Extract of Roots of Rubus crataegifolius on Tumor Cells[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2001, (6): 68-70.
Citation: Effect of Ethanol Extract of Roots of Rubus crataegifolius on Tumor Cells[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2001, (6): 68-70.


Effect of Ethanol Extract of Roots of Rubus crataegifolius on Tumor Cells

  • 摘要: 牛迭肚为蔷薇科悬钩子属植物 ,东北山区广有分布 ,其根药用治疗肝炎、风湿性关节炎、痛风等 1 ,经沈阳药科大学中药研究室鉴定命名为托盘根 ,并用 75 %乙醇回流提取醇提取物 (收率 8%) ,即托盘根提取物 (ethyl alcohol extract from rootsRubuscrataegifolius Bunge,RCE)。十多年来对其的初步研究证明有抗炎、抗氧化及增强免疫作用 2 ,3 。本文就 RCE对不同细胞的影响进行了研究。1 实验材料1 .1 动物昆明种小鼠 ,1 8~ 2 2 g;老龄小鼠 (1 8月龄以上 ) ,雄雌兼用 ,沈阳药科大学动物室提供 ,合格证号 :5 1 7号。1 .2 瘤株S1 80 ,…


    Abstract: AIM The purpose is to observe effect of extract from roots of %Rubus crataegifolius%(RCE) on growth of tumor cells and lymphocyte. METHODS Influences of RCE on ultrastructure were observed in tumor cells under the transmit electronic microscope and the in


