邓艳平, 肖衍宇, 平其能, 顾晓震, 包全英. 盐酸青藤碱缓释组合微丸系统的研究[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 2009, 40(3): 222-226.
引用本文: 邓艳平, 肖衍宇, 平其能, 顾晓震, 包全英. 盐酸青藤碱缓释组合微丸系统的研究[J]. 中国药科大学学报, 2009, 40(3): 222-226.
DENG Yan-ping, XIAO Yan-yu, PING Qi-neng, GU Xiao-zhen, BAO Quan-ying. Combined system of sinomenine hydrochloride sustained-release pellets[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2009, 40(3): 222-226.
Citation: DENG Yan-ping, XIAO Yan-yu, PING Qi-neng, GU Xiao-zhen, BAO Quan-ying. Combined system of sinomenine hydrochloride sustained-release pellets[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2009, 40(3): 222-226.


Combined system of sinomenine hydrochloride sustained-release pellets

  • 摘要: 目的 : 建立线性叠加组合微丸释药模型,以盐酸青藤碱为模型药,进行模型验证和预测。 方法 : 采用挤出滚圆法制备速释丸,流化床底喷包衣制备肠溶和缓释微丸。根据各种微丸的释药机制选择适宜的释放模型,利用Matlab?的曲线拟合工具箱进行拟合,根据相关统计参数选择最佳拟合方程,将各种微丸释药方程进行线性叠加,得到组合微丸理论释药方程。根据预期的24 h释放要求,利用Matlab?解析线性不等式或线性方程组,预测各种微丸所需用量并实际组合,将释放试验结果与预测值进行对比验证。 结果 : 对组合系统释药行为的数学解析结果显示,预测值(组合微丸理论释药方程)与实测值较接近,说明组合系统的释药行为是可控的,能较好地预测组合各种微丸所需的用量以满足不同释放行为的需要。 结论 : 有预见性地组合不同的微丸或为不同组合比例提供了一种设计缓释系统的新方法。


    Abstract: Aim :To establish a linear additive model for the predication of in vitro sinomenine hydrochloride release from the combination of immediate release,enteric-coated and sustained-release pellets based on the release profiles of each pellet type. Methods :Immediate release pellets were manufactured by extrusion/spheronization technology.The operation of bottom-spraying in the fluid-bed equipment was conducted to enteric-coating using Eudragit?L-30D-55 and sustained-release coating using Surelease.In vitro sinomenine hydrochloride release profiles of both uncoated and coated pellets were fitted to the chosen mathematical equations offered by the curve fitting toolbox of Matlab? before a linear additive model was created based upon the best-to-fitting equations.The proportion of each pellet type in the combined format to generate the desired 24 h sinomenine hydrochloride release profile was solved by Matlab?.The predicted and assayed sinomenine hydrochloride release from the polled pellets was compared. Results :It was shown that the actual sinomenine hydrochloride release profiles of each pellet type were approximate to those of predicted ones.A linear additive model of the appropriate mathematical equations of each pellet was proven to be capable of controlling in vitro release of sinomenine hydrochloride multiple-unit pellets. Conclusion :A multiple-unit combined system of the selected pellets,as a novel sustained-release system,was successfully prepared.In vitro release performance of the calculated combination of each pellet type could be guaranteed by this approach in designing sustained-release drug delivery system.


