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A New Synthetic Method of 2′-acetyl-12-hydroxy-2,3,10,11-dianhydro-6-O-methyl-erythromycin A
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Abstract PDF
Microfulid-based Lab-on-a-chip and It''''s Functionality
2003(1): 3-8.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis and Antiarrhythmic Activity of Protoberberine Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
2003(1): 9-14.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis and Anti-inflammatory Analgesic Activities of 2-(2,6-dichlorophenylamino)-benzeneacetic Acid(3-nitroxymethyl) Phenyl Ester
2003(1): 15-18.
Abstract PDF
Chemical Studies on Aconitum Kirinense Nakai
2003(1): 19-22.
Abstract PDF
Studies on Chemical Constituents of Gynostemma Pentaphyllum
2003(1): 23-26.
Abstract PDF
Study on Optimize the Preparation and Formulation of Nimodipine-Containing Nanoliposome
2003(1): 27-30.
Abstract PDF
Study on the Preparation of β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compound of Volatile Oils in Jiketing Granula
2003(1): 31-33.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Piperacillin Sodium/Sulbactam Sodium for Injection by RP-HPLC
2003(1): 34-36.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Contents of Ginsenoside Rg1 in Yixue Capsules By HPLC
2003(1): 37-39.
Abstract PDF
Determination the Contents in ChangyaoJiangya Tablets by HPLC
2003(1): 40-42.
Abstract PDF
Establishment of M1 Receptor Screening Model for Drugs for Alzheimer''s Disease Using Radioimmunoassay Method
2003(1): 43-47.
Abstract PDF
Study on Long-term Toxicity of Recombinant Human Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Rabbits
2003(1): 48-52.
Abstract PDF
Effects of Aqueous Extract from Rhizoma Notopterygii on the Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity and Inflammatory Reactions and Its Mechanisms
2003(1): 53-56.
Abstract PDF
Protective Effect of Baicalin on Hypoxia Injury in Neonatal Rats Cardiomyocytes
2003(1): 57-59.
Abstract PDF
Antimuscarinic Function of Five Fritillaria Alkaloids on Guinea Pig Tracheal Strips
2003(1): 60-62.
Abstract PDF
Experimental Study on Ginkgo Biloba Extract Against Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Chronic Liver Damage in Rats
2003(1): 63-66.
Abstract PDF
Absorption of Breviscapine in Small Intestine of Rat
2003(1): 67-71.
Abstract PDF
Effects of Hypericin on Behavior and Expression of 5-HT and NE in Brain of Depression Rat with Chronic Stress
2003(1): 72-75.
Abstract PDF
Changes of Expression and Functions of Dipeptide Transporter after Anoxia/reoxygenation in Caco-2 Cells
2003(1): 76-79.
Abstract PDF
DNA Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression of Mantle Cell Induced by NRF
2003(1): 80-82.
Abstract PDF
Cloning of Spinach Glycolate Oxidase cDNA and Its Construction into Yeast Expression Vector
2003(1): 83-86.
Abstract PDF
Total Synthesis of Alpinumisoflavone
2003(1): 87-88.
Abstract PDF
Strategies and Skills of the Intellectual Property Rights Protection of Drugs
2003(1): 92-94.
Abstract PDF