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TAN Chengning, HUANG Jinghan, LI Chunhong, XIA Zhining, YANG Fengqing. Applications of proteomics in the study of cell signal pathways[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2017, 48(4): 384-395. DOI: 10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20170402
Citation: TAN Chengning, HUANG Jinghan, LI Chunhong, XIA Zhining, YANG Fengqing. Applications of proteomics in the study of cell signal pathways[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2017, 48(4): 384-395. DOI: 10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20170402

Applications of proteomics in the study of cell signal pathways

More Information
  • Various signal transduction pathways in cells are closely related to the biological processes, while the proteins play an important role in the process of signal transductions. Proteomics, which is one of the effective methods for the study of cell signal pathways, can conduct proteomic analysis systematically as well as explore the expression of functional proteins related to the physiological characteristics in organism and in the initiation and progression of diseases. Nowadays, proteomics has been successfully applied in the studies of many kinds of signal pathways. In this paper, proteomic study in signal pathways related to liver disease, tumors, pathogenic mechanism of pathogens and metabolism are reviewed, in order to provide a reference for future research and applications of proteomics in the related fields.
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