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Synthesis of Anti-arrhythymic Sotalol
1997(3): 4-6.
Abstract PDF
NMR Studies of Tetrahydroberberine Enantiomers
1997(3): 7-10.
Abstract PDF
Studies on Ibuprofen Suspension and Its Bioequivalence in Healthy Volunteers
1997(3): 11-16.
Abstract PDF
A Study On San Yu Capsule
1997(3): 17-20.
Abstract PDF
Studies on Benorylate Capsules Formulation and Their Pharmacokinetics in Man
1997(3): 21-24.
Abstract PDF
Studies on Famotidine Pulsatile Controlled-Release Capsules
1997(3): 25-29.
Abstract PDF
Study on Processing of Pinellia pedatisecta Schott
1997(3): 30-33.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Polydimethylsiloxane in Meteospasmyl Capsules by IR
1997(3): 34-36.
Abstract PDF
The Quality Control of Active Ingredients from ScuteIIaria baicalensis by RP-HPLC
1997(3): 37-40.
Abstract PDF
Simultaneous Determination of Components in Satongfeng Injection by Improved CPA-matrix Method
1997(3): 41-43.
Abstract PDF
Comparasion of Atherosclerosis Formation Induced by Two Kinds of Rich-fat Diets in Quails
1997(3): 44-47.
Abstract PDF
Comparative of Uniform Design with Spherical Symmetric Design in the Study of Extraction Conditions for the Polysaccharide from Spirulina platensis (SP)
1997(3): 48-50.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Glutathione in Biosynthesis Reaction by Paper Chromatography
1997(3): 51-54.
Abstract PDF
Study on Photolysis of Cobamamide
1997(3): 58-61.
Abstract PDF