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WANG Jingyuan, HOU Chenzhi, HUA Zhendong, ZHANG Tingting, SU Mengxiang, XU Hui, WANG Youmei, DI Bin. Simultaneous determination of illicit drugs and their metabolites in wastewater by SPE-UPLC-MS/MS[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2020, 51(3): 305-312. DOI: 10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20200308
Citation: WANG Jingyuan, HOU Chenzhi, HUA Zhendong, ZHANG Tingting, SU Mengxiang, XU Hui, WANG Youmei, DI Bin. Simultaneous determination of illicit drugs and their metabolites in wastewater by SPE-UPLC-MS/MS[J]. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, 2020, 51(3): 305-312. DOI: 10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20200308

Simultaneous determination of illicit drugs and their metabolites in wastewater by SPE-UPLC-MS/MS

Funds: This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No.2018YFC0807402)
More Information
  • Received Date: March 30, 2020
  • Revised Date: May 03, 2020
  • A quantitative analysis method based on solid phase extraction-ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (SPE-UPLC-MS/MS) for simultaneous determination of illicit drugs and their metabolites in wastewater was established. Samples filtered at pH of 2 and spiked with internal standard were loaded to Oasis Prime MCX cartridges for solid-phase extraction. The samples were washed with 4 mL of methanol and eluted with 4 mL of 5% ammonia in acetonitrile before reconstituting with 0.1% formic acid/water solution. ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 column was used for chromatography, and gradient elution was performed with 0.1% formic acid/water solution and acetonitrile as mobile phase. The samples were then detected by electrospray ionization (ESI) in positive ion mode, and multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) was adopted for quantitative analysis. All analytes had a good linear relationship (r ≥ 0.993 2) within the range of their respective standard curve; the limit of quantification was 1 ng/L (except amphetamine at 2.5 ng/L); the extraction recovery ranged from 82.13% to 99.96%; and the intra- and inter-day precisions were less than 9.43%. The method is accurate, reliable and reproducible, and is suitable for the quantitative determination of illicit drugs and their metabolites in wastewater and can provide an analytical method for real-time monitoring of drug abuse.
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