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Identification of the Chinese Drug Jinyinhua(part Ⅱ)
Xu Guojun, Xu Luoshan, Zhu Yeqing, Wu Weiyi, Zheng Xuezhong
1981(1): 1-5+75.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary Investigation of Chemical Constituents in Callus Tissue of Danshen
Chen Suiqing, Luo Houwei, E Shunqin
1981(1): 6-8.
Abstract PDF
A Determination of Total Alkaloids in Eleven Species of Shihu(Dendrobium)
Jin Rongluan, Sun Jijun, Zhang Yuanming
1981(1): 9-13.
Abstract PDF
A Hemostatic Constituent of Psidium Guava-Ellagic Acid
Wang Shuru, Zhang Song, Chen Qionghua
1981(1): 14-16.
Abstract PDF
Purification of Elastase by Affinity Chromatography
Wu Yutong, Sun Chengqi, Wang Yaofang, Xue Yigan
1981(1): 17-20.
Abstract PDF
Clinical Study on Bronchodilating Effect of Aerosol PGE; The Jiangsu Cooperative Group of PEG for Chronic Bronchitis
1981(1): 21-25.
Abstract PDF
A Modified Synthesis of Two Intermediates of Disopyramide
Xiang Manwen, Ni Peizhou
1981(1): 26-30.
Abstract PDF
Quantitative Determination of μg Amount of Clenbuterol (CAB-365) Contained in Compound Tablets of Yuanhuatong by Orthogonal Functions Spectrophotometry
Mei Zhiying, Dong Shanshi, An Dengkui
1981(1): 31-36.
Abstract PDF
Quantitative Determination of Phenylbutazone and Aminopyrine Mixture by Orthogonal Functions Spectrophotometric Method
Yang Zhongyuan, Dong Shanshi, An Dengkui
1981(1): 37-40.
Abstract PDF
UV Spectrophotometric and Colorimetric Determination of Ortho Dihydric phenolic Drugs Ⅳ. Determination of Isoprenaline Hydrochloride and It's Content in Aerosol
Yang Qinghua, Zheng Chunen, Zeng Chaojun, Yu Rugu
1981(1): 41-47.
Abstract PDF
UV Spectrophotometric and Colorimetric Determination of Ortho Dihydric phenolic Drugs Ⅴ. Determination of Caffeic Acid and Caffeic Acid Diethylamina in Tablets
Zhu Ying, Xu Huiying, Xu Lixing, Yu Rugu
1981(1): 48-53.
Abstract PDF
A Fluorospectroohotometric Determination of Rivanol in Plasma for Inducing Abortion in Middle Pregnancy
Wu Rujin, Zhou Peidi, Yang Yujun, Jiang Xinru
1981(1): 54-60.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis of 3-Bromomethylcephem Sulphoxide
Zhou Huishu, Huang Cifu, Duan Tinghan
1981(1): 61-62.
Abstract PDF
Studies On the Non-Steroidal Antifertility Agents Ⅰ. Synthesis of p-Coumaric Acid and Its Analogues
Zhang Yihua, Zhu Chongquan, Yang Zhenxiang, Cao Guankun, Peng Sixun
1981(1): 63-65.
Abstract PDF
A Brief Account of the First World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, London 1980
1981(1): 66-74.
Abstract PDF