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Research progress of prostaglandin receptors and related drugs
2010, 41(5): 385-394.
Abstract PDF
Development of drug for Alzheimer′s disease
2010, 41(5): 395-400.
Abstract PDF
Common issues and counterplans on LC-MS analysis of peptides and proteins in bio-samples
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2010, 41(5): 401-407.
Abstract PDF
Two step process for diketoreduction catalyzed by diketoreductase
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2010, 41(5): 408-413.
Abstract PDF
A novel synthesis of baicalein derivatives and their bronchodilation activity
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2010, 41(5): 414-418.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis and anti-platelet aggregation activity of substituted (E)-1,2-diarylethene compounds
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2010, 41(5): 419-423.
Abstract PDF
Anti-tumor components in Stachy geobombycis
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2010, 41(5): 424-427.
Abstract PDF
In vitro stability of paclitaxel and docetaxel binary-drug loaded micelles
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2010, 41(5): 428-434.
Abstract PDF
Swelling kinetics and cross-linking stability of gelatins with different gel strength
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2010, 41(5): 435-440.
Abstract PDF
Preparation of novel glutaryl cholesterol-liposome and its conjugation with H22 cell vaccine
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2010, 41(5): 441-446.
Abstract PDF
Preparation of solid inclusion complex of deoxypodophyllotoxin-SBE-β-CD and its antitumor activity
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2010, 41(5): 447-450.
Abstract PDF
Preparation and application of affinity chromatography medium with Ginsenoside Rg1 as a ligand
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2010, 41(5): 451-455.
Abstract PDF
Synthesis of violet-near-infrared-emitting quantum dots using N-acetyl-L-cysteine as ligand
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2010, 41(5): 456-461.
Abstract PDF
Assay of the related substances in alprostadil for injection with the correction factor
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2010, 41(5): 462-466.
Abstract PDF
Quality evaluation of Dendrobii Caulis by HPLC
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2010, 41(5): 467-470.
Abstract PDF
Effect and mechanism of Kuijieling decoction on the apoptosis of polymorph nuclear neutrophil in the model of ulcerative colitis
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2010, 41(5): 471-475.
Abstract PDF
Characterization of N-terminal PEGylated Endostar
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2010, 41(5): 476-480.
Abstract PDF